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Oyo State: When OkeOgun ‘ll produce the Governor, by Bola Olalere



Every four years and whenever political activities are picking momentum; different pressure and advocacy groups emerges from my OkeOgun region of Oyo State, one of such groups is “OkeOgun Lokan’ , advocating for the emergence of OkeOgun indigene as the Governor of the pacesetters state.

When Dr Segun Ajuwon was the President of the OkeOgun Development Consultative Forum, ODCF, the forum took a more ambitious step. They gathered eminent individuals from the region and toured all the 10 local Governments areas in OkeOgun, educating and sensitizing people on the need to unite to produce the next governor of the state. They were so sincere and passionate about the agenda. They toiled day and night; meeting every group that matters in the region, spreading the gospel. Alas! That election came and we did not produce the governor.

As the 2027 political activities are gathering momentum, various ‘OkeOgun Lokan’ groups have started springing up. I am also a member of a number of the groups-both online and offline.

I follow conversations and developments within these groups diligently. I could see determination, I could see passion, I could see patriotism, I could see frustration, I could see that our people are truly tired of playing the second fiddle role in a state that belongs to all of us. All of these, however, are not enough to make an OkeOgun indigene the governor in 2027 or beyond.

Apart from the fact that we are too heterogenous to be united towards this goal; (and I am not a pessimist), a time will come in the struggle when we will disagree and some people will say, ‘if it can’t be this, then, let it not be’, and their voices will be so strong that the people will listen. I am also afraid, that we do not have the number required to make our kinsman a Governor under this democratic set up; even, if we unite.

Tribal politics have taken center of the political life in our nation because we have all accepted nepotism and favoritism as the norm in our polity. Leaders are no longer trusted to be fair to all-irrespective of tribes or origins; If not, why should we lack all the goodness we think we can only have, if our kinsman is the governor of the state?

In a society like ours, where egalitarianism does not have a place, one cannot win elections with emotion but with a well thought out strategy. “OkeOgun lokan is too emotional” .

OkeOgun will produce the governor of Oyo State when we have One man, One man who wants to be Governor. Governorship or Leadership position should not be a community ambition, it should be a personal ambition.

One man, who is capable of being a governor, One man who is ready to play by all the rules. One man who will not only win his kinsmen’s support but will be the toast of every factor that can make one the Governor of Oyo State.

Until we have that man with a committed pursuit; the dream of producing a governor from our region will remain in the realms of imagination.

*Oloye Bola Olalere,
The Amuludun of Ado-Awaye

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