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Life, expansion and the “I want more” slogan, by Ebunoluwa Ibibo



My toddler daughter was big on food, way back. When she finished exclusive breastfeeding at six months, we introduced solid food. She had a cereal and that cereal tasted exactly like ice cream. She always wanted more. When given she’ll cry for more and when she could speak, she’ll mutter, ‘I want more more’. Sometimes when she says that, I’ll offer other things like water to distract her. Oftentimes , she’ll stick to what she wanted and reject all other alternatives. This slogan still reverberates in me.

Permit me to ask, what do you want in life? How well do you want it? Would you rather settle for less or more? Enlargement is a growth process and it is a good thing to aspire and grow. Do not hide under the cloak of contentment and refuse to improve on yourself. Enlarge, expand, improve and spread.

I grew up in the cosmopolitan city of Lagos, Nigeria. Commerce was and is still the in thing there. I lived in an area that was less populated. It was a highly residential area. There were more houses than shops. As a result a certain man took advantage of that and opened a kiosk around our close. He sold everyday needs. People in my neighborhood knew him and patronised him. He sold everything from groceries to plastic bowls. You could call him a petty trader. He was lively and diligent in his business. You could get a loaf of bread and eggs in his shop until late in the night and at half six in the morning, he was opened to selling fizzy drinks and biscuits to children going to school. He was making profit, largely because he was the only corner shop around.

In due course, the management of the estate needed to standardise and build a more befitting supermarket in the area. Guess who was consulted? The same man! They knew he had the capacity and they built a big space for him and had a contract signed. He paid them progressively until he owned the property and of course his business also expanded. Enlargement!

Starting small is quite ideal but staying small could be detrimental. There is a space for more business ideas, more upskilling and more growth in your pursuits. Go the nine whole yards! What’s stopping you?

Growth and living are five and six. Little wonder it is said when one stops growing, then death is imminent. Endeavour to grow in your thoughts, values and paradigms. Growth keeps you relevant in an evolving world. IBM computers had no rivals then, so they grew so big. They were expensive and classic, until emerging markets like Apple and Epson reared their heads in the computer market space. The rest they say is history. IBM was the first but the thinkers there were dosing, refusing to think outside the box. Where are they now? Does this scare you, like me? The first shall be the last? Keep waking up and never cease to smell the coffee. Life brews!

What are your pursuits? How are you thinking about expansion? Any pursuit that cannot outlive the owner is falling short. I am thinking aloud here. Morrison in United Kingdom is a conglomerate. It started in 1899, when the founder, William Morrison opened a stall in Bradford market, selling bread and butter. Then his son Ken took over and expanded it. Today, Morrisons partners with Amazon and it is the fourth largest supermarket in United Kingdom.

Indeed I want more and could only ask for help from the Supreme being. Do not be satisfied with where you are. Keep aspiring! Desire more and you will be amazed how your little, consistent efforts would accrue. Fortunately, posterity is always ready to either condemn or applaud . Choose wisely!

Ebunoluwa Ibibo

@Golden muse

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