A heartbreaking incident in Owerri, Imo State, has left residents and social media users in shock after a woman allegedly beat her young housemaid to death for watching television with her children.
The tragic event came to light through a video shared on Facebook by journalist Nonsonkwa Ochi War, capturing the moment the yet-to-be-identified woman was confronted by enraged neighbors. The suspect, who is also a nursing mother, was labeled a “wicked and vile woman” by the visibly distraught residents, who demanded justice for the deceased.
According to reports, the underage housemaid was punished for sitting with the woman’s children to watch television. The punishment escalated into a brutal beating, which tragically claimed the young girl’s life.
Watch the video below;
The viral video has sent the social media on frenzy, with many Nigerians expressing their outrage and calling for justice for the victim.
Although the police are yet to release an official statement regarding the case, there is mounting pressure from the public for the immediate arrest and prosecution of the suspect.