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Eureka: A golden moment everyone must find, by Ebunoluwa Ibibo



Every one in life seeks for a thing or more. Life is indeed vast and it is a treasure base. The world has evolved and it is still evolving. At the last count the population of the world has hit a whooping 8.2 Billion people. Yes and you and everyone around us have moments of Eureka. If you think you haven’t, keep seeking until you find one.

What exactly is eureka? When do you exclaim so and what happens afterwards? Well, the original word for eureka was a Greek word ‘heureka’ which means, ‘I have found it!’! The great Greek Mathematician and astronomer, Archimedes popularised this concept. He was dwelling on a puzzle when suddenly, while bathing in the tub, the solution came. A discovery and an insight hit him. He ran out naked and was shouting eureka. No, he wasn’t mad, he was merely excited.

Eureka is simply seeing or knowing what has eluded one before. This year, it is imperative for us to have eureka moments. One of such moments can change a lifetime of both discoverers and the world at large. Treasures are hidden in the soils of the world. Let’s keep digging!

Isaac Newton, one of the greatest scientists that ever lived found his, while standing by the Apple tree and watching apples drop from the tree. That was the discovery of the law of elemental gravitation in 1687. He then propounded the theory in use till date. Other scientists have built on these theories and laws.

Ruth Handler had a daughter, named Barbara, who never liked to play with the regular children’s dolls. Rather, Barbara would cut up papers and make young ladies images and play with. During a vacation, Barbara’s mom saw a female figurine in a shop and that was her eureka. She immediately conceived the idea of a Barbie doll. She returned home and became the manufacturer of Barbie dolls. These dolls have huge sales, about fifty eight millions are sold in a150 countries annually. Do the Maths! Eureka enriches!

What elicits eureka is simply passion. Archimedes was passionate about helping the king unravel a fact. He dwelled on the matter long enough, until the discovery came. What are you passionate about? How long do you pursue it? In this age passion and skills are selling points. Optimise your skill and if need be, upskill. There are tailors and there are fashion designers. I can tell you know the difference. Avail yourself every knowledge needed for you to grow. Keep at it and before long your eureka will come!

In case you do not know, the official motto of the state of California is Eureka. The original settlers found what they sought. Little wonder, Tom Bradley said, ‘ California’s sun shines on everyone’. It is also often said that even in winter, California is dreaming. Take a cue and do not stop your productive pursuits. You’ll find it, if you seek it long enough.

Ebunoluwa Ibibo
@Golden muse

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