A 28-year-old woman, identified as Samira Bala, was apprehended by vigilante members while attempting to abandon her newborn baby in an uncompleted building at Unguwar Azzara, Gwagwalada Area Council of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).
The incident, which occurred early Sunday morning around 4:45 a.m., was confirmed by Ishaku Barnabas, a member of the local vigilante group. According to Barnabas, the vigilantes were returning to their base after a night patrol when they noticed the woman entering the uncompleted building.
Upon questioning, Samira initially claimed she had entered the building to ease herself, but her explanation raised suspicions. The vigilantes followed her into the structure and discovered a newborn baby wrapped in cloth.
The situation escalated when neighbors, on their way to observe morning prayers at the mosque, recognized the woman and identified her as a resident of the Abattoir area who had been staying with her boyfriend in Unguwar Azzara.
In tears, Samira reportedly confessed that the man she had been living with had traveled to northern Nigeria in December 2024 and had not returned.
The newborn baby has since been handed over to the social welfare department of Gwagwalada Area Council for proper care.
Meanwhile, the local police revealed that the incident had not yet been officially reported at the station.
This arrest comes just three weeks after a similar case in Gwagwalada, where another woman was caught attempting to abandon her newborn baby at Tipper Garage. Incidents like these have sparked concerns about the welfare of vulnerable children and the need for stronger community interventions.